One of the main benefits of NFT hydroponics is that it is cheap, easy to make, and Eco-friendly. It is also easy to maintain.

In this article, we’ll go over how to make a NFT hydroponic system, along with some tips to help you get started. Afterwards, you can learn how to maintain it properly and grow healthy plants.

In this post, we will cover:

Easy to build

The first thing that you need to set up in an Easy to build NFT hydroponic system is your water pump. You will also need tubing and holes for the plants. The tubing and holes will help you monitor the liquid flow and check for pooling.

They will also help you inspect the health of your plants’ roots. You can use a removable top to grow your plants using an NFT system, but you aren’t required to have one.

The next step in an NFT system is to determine the nutrient level. The nutrient solution should flow through a channel that is approximately one-third the depth of the plants. You can also adjust the height of the channels to keep them at different levels.

Ideally, the slope ratio should be between 1:30 and 1:40, with a difference of one inch equaling thirty to forty inches. Using a submersible pump is another significant component of an NFT system. This pump constantly pumps the nutrient solution throughout the system. The nutrient solution is only needed to flow a thin layer.

The reservoir for the NFT hydroponic system is made of a non-reactive material. This material is useful because it does not allow bacteria or algae to grow in the solution.

Choosing the nutrient solution reservoir depends on how many plants you plan to grow. If you’re only growing a few plants, you may want to consider getting a grow tray with a five-gallon capacity.

Despite their simplicity, an NFT hydroponic system still requires some maintenance. Despite the fact that NFT systems do not require extensive maintenance, they can be extremely easy to set up.

Nevertheless, you’ll still need to check pH levels and clean the system periodically. This makes them more stable once they’re set up. It is important to note that these systems are not suitable for growing large tap-root plants like carrots and lettuce.


The NFT hydroponic system is one of the most popular types of indoor gardening systems. This type of hydroponic system uses a recirculating nutrient solution for plants.

A reservoir is placed inside the growing tray. The amount of nutrient solution required depends on the number of plants. An NFT system has many advantages, but there are some drawbacks, as well. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the advantages of this system.

This method utilizes a thin film and water re-circulation to provide high nutrient and water efficiency. It is also Eco-friendly because it requires no growing medium. The growing media can be costly and often contribute to water and nutrient waste.

It also avoids contaminating groundwater and is made from food-grade materials, which make it a greener option for growing. Hence, the Eco-friendly NFT hydroponic system is the best choice for those interested in long-term crop production.

The NFT system is an excellent choice for a beginner, as it allows for up to 108 plants. The system can be installed anywhere, including in an office, home, or garage, and operates 24 hours a day.

Unlike other types of hydroponic systems, it uses less water and space. The NFT system is sturdy and durable, and can accommodate a variety of plants. A good NFT system can be used for growing any type of plant, whether it is a flower, herb, or vegetable.

Another type of Eco-friendly Hydroponic System is the Nutrient Film Technique. This hydroponic system is similar to Ebb and Flow, but instead of using a pump to deliver fertilizer solution, it uses gravity to continuously flow over the roots of plants.

It is best suited for growing fast-growing plants, including spinach, mustard greens, kale, and many other oriental vegetables. It is also perfect for growing herbs.

Easy to maintain

The NFT hydroponic system is one of the easiest to maintain systems available today. This method utilizes a pump and nutrient solution to deliver a thin film of water and nutrients to the growing media.

The solution is recycled. The main disadvantage of this system is that it requires you to replace the nutrients solution once a week, which can be time-consuming. On the upside, you’ll be able to grow plants in a very short period of time.

In order to make your NFT hydroponic system look as good as possible, you need to pay attention to the length of the growing channels. The length should be approximately one-half to two-thirds of the growing volume, with a minimum of one liter per minute.

Flow rates that are lower than this may cause plants to not receive the same nutrients. Similarly, if you have a sloping garden, you should increase the length of the channels. In addition, you should check the nutrient solution and make sure it’s in perfect condition.

If you’re considering setting up an NFT hydroponic system, the first thing to do is figure out what type of plants you’d like to grow. The NFT technique works best for leafy vegetables, as they require less space.

Compared to other plants, they grow faster, too. A six-ounce head of lettuce can grow in 35 days! Another benefit of the NFT system is that it requires no growing media. This eliminates the need to purchase additional nutrient solution, which can be pricey.

In the NFT system, the plants are transplanted into the starter plug when their roots are barely visible. This allows them to receive immediate access to water and nutrients.

As the roots grow, they will reach the nutrient solution at the bottom of the channel. If you fail to do this, you may find your plants with no roots at all. A few simple steps can help your NFT hydroponic system stay in top shape for a long time.


A nutrient flow technology or NFT hydroponic system is an irrigation system that utilizes a continuous stream of nutrient solution. Plants are placed in net pots, where the growing media serves as a reservoir for nutrients and moisture.

A manifold is used to connect two pipes and runs the nutrient solution to one side of the growing channels and gullies. This means a thin layer of the nutrient solution flows through each plant’s roots and then returns to the main reservoir.

The cost of an NFT hydroponic system is usually higher than that of a standard hydroponic system, but the benefits outweigh the initial costs.

The NFT setup is highly effective for providing ideal growing conditions, as it is designed to control a variety of variables including water flow, nutrient solution temperature, and air flow in the channels.

Another advantage of a NFT hydroponic system is its ease of maintenance. Its lack of media means that you do not have to worry about contaminating groundwater. NFT uses food-grade materials.

The NFT system is comparatively cheaper than the traditional hydroponic system, but it does need a pump and a stone. The price is more than worth it, but the effort will be well worth it when you see your crops flourishing.

While an NFT hydroponic system is not perfect, it does offer the most flexible system for growing fresh vegetables. With proper maintenance and careful attention to detail, it is an effective way to grow your own organic produce.

The NFT 15K hydroponic system boasts twice the productivity per square foot than the average hydroponic system. It contains 7,650 finishing and nursery channels and 8,000 propagation sites.

It can grow a wide variety of plants, including lettuce, arugula, basil, and many other popular herbs. It is also completely pesticide-free. The NFT system is suitable for beginners as it does not require much space.

Modular design

The NFT hydroponic system is modular in nature. Its recirculating nutrient solution allows plants to be watered without over soaking, and the upper roots are exposed to the moist growth chamber.

The size of the reservoir varies according to the number of plants. A single growth chamber requires fewer than 10 tubes, while a two-chamber system needs as many as 30.

The system includes six parts. They are hydroponic pipes, nutrient containers, artificial lights, and a power meter. Each of these components is connected to the central micro controller and sent to a cloud-based IoT platform.

The power meter subsystem monitors power usage and can be expanded to accommodate a larger farming system. The entire system is scalable to suit the needs of a small or large-scale farmer.

The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) is a type of hydroponic system that can scale up or down without too much hassle. This method was invented by Allen Cooper in 1965, while working at the Glasshouse Crops Research Institute in Little Hampton, England.

Allen Cooper’s research resulted in a variety of benefits for both farmers and gardeners. With a few simple steps and a modular design, the NFT hydroponic system can be easily implemented.

Nutrient Film Technique is one of the most common and popular forms of hydroponic growing. It uses a reservoir to store nutrients and drip water back to the root area.

The benefits of this approach are reduced water usage, protection from over watering, and easy access to the roots for care. The NFT hydroponic system is particularly well suited for growing herbs and leafy greens, and is relatively low maintenance.